Manika Gamble
Manika Gamble is 34 years old, she's lived in Atlanta, Georgia for 12 years. She has been a runner since I was 12. From middle school through college she had enjoyed running on the track team as a sprinter. She is continuing to pursue her passion for running through ultra marathons in beautiful locations around the world. Manika says, "It’s quite the transition in distance from sprinting, but the joy I feel is immeasurable. Ultramarathons get me out into nature where I can feel the fresh air and I instantly feel home while I’m running." Manika is about to make history this year, while she will be the first African American woman to run a 155 mile; 7 day self supported stage race in the oldest desert in the world in Namibia, Africa. She will be documenting her journey on her social page, @manikaruns.
We are stoked here at Peak to support and cheer her on through all she does!

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Biscuits & Sausage Gravy