Chad "Money" Mendes
Chad "Money" Mendes is the people's champ right out the deer camp. Owner of Finz and Feathers Guides, The Provider Life, American Almond Beef, and the developer of the amazing Peak Refuel game meals: Elk Ragu Pasta, Bison Ranch Mashers, and Venison Country Casserole.
Spending time in the backcountry is what I live for- it's where I go to connect with creation and to recharge my soul. But just like my time spent in the cage, I can't be at my best unless I fuel my passion with the cleanest, highest quality food available. I've partnered with Peak Refuel because they understand this. Together, we've created the best-tasting wild game meals on the planet so you'll have the strength required to fuel your next adventure. - Chad Mendes

Chad "Money" Mendes's Favs

Biscuits & Sausage Gravy
Regular price
From $14.99
Regular price
Sale price
From $14.99

Chicken Coconut Curry
Regular price
From $14.99
Regular price
Sale price
From $14.99

Breakfast Skillet
Regular price
From $14.99
Regular price
Sale price
From $14.99